Data Erasure

Know about all BitRaser® Drive Eraser Certifications

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BitRaser® is a data wiping software with diverse solutions, such as drive erasure, file erasure, and deleting application traces. The software has been tried, tested, and certified by various major national and international organizations for its data wiping capabilities.

Let us see some major certifications attained by BitRaser®.

1. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Approved

NIST logo
NIST is a part of the US Department of Commerce. Its main aim is to uphold industrial standards in diverse domains, such as engineering, communications, and Information Technology.

BitRaser® Drive Erasure is approved by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for its data wiping efficiency, based on the NIST 800-88 standard. The test was performed by Computer Forensics Tool Testing (CFTT) Federated Test Suite on a hard disk drive (HDD) and a solid state drive (SSD).

The test result of data wiping by BitRaser® Drive Eraser v3.0 by NIST 808-88 Purge Secure Erasure Standard was ‘As Expected’. The data was wiped out, leaving no chances of recovery, including the Host Protected Area (HPA) and Device Configuration Overlay (DCO).

2. ADISA Certification

ADISA Claim test logo
ADISA (Asset Disposal and Information Security Alliance) is a renowned organization that offers accreditation to companies that provide IT disposal and data sanitization services. The accreditations range from solid state drive sanitization to physical destruction tools, and mobile devices to magnetic hard drives, in accordance with the ADISA Claims Test Method (ACT).

The test was conducted on a San Disk 250 GB SSD and iPhone 8 to sanitize the data using BitRaser® Drive Eraser 3.0 and BitRaser® Mobile Eraser & Diagnostics v3.0, respectively, using the NIST 800-88 Purge algorithm. It was certified that the software can sanitize data to protect against forensic attacks as specified in Test Level-1.

It was found that the claims submitted by Stellar® were ‘true’ and the two devices were able to mitigate the threats.

3. HIPAA Seal of Compliance

HIPAA Seal of ComplianceHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) offers a clear set of protocols and guidelines in relation to the security of the PHI (Protected Health Information). HIPAA classifies the organizations into covered entities (health care institutes, clearing houses, etc.) and business associates (financial institutes, etc.).

The covered entities and their business associates need to comply with the HIPAA standards enforced by The Office of Civil Rights (OCR).

There are various rules associated with HIPAA, namely –

  • Privacy Rule
  • Security Rule
  • Breach Notification Rule
  • Enforcement Rule

Any breach of these rules can lead to heavy penalties. On the other hand, a HIPAA compliant organization brings a level of trust for the individuals.

Stellar® achieved the HIPAA Seal of Compliance after a thorough audit of the internal mechanisms, procedures, and security protocols by the Compliance Group. Stellar’s BitRaser® is a HIPAA compliant product that can be used by the covered entities and their business associates to sanitize the PHI from storage devices.

4. NYCE Certificate of Compliance

NYCE Safety and TrustNormalización y Certificación Electrónica (NYCE) is a Mexican standardization body that offers compliance certificates in accordance with standards, such as NMX, NOM, etc. It is accredited by the Mexican Accreditation Entity (EMA) and authorized by the Federal Telecommunications Commission (COFETEL). Any company that intends to get certified can send their proposals to the NYCE subcommittee.

NYCE has granted BitRaser® the certification of compliance according to the Mexican standard NMX-I-9126-2-2011, based on the Software Functionality Report issued by the Product Certification Body.

5. Ontrack Erasure Verification

Ontrack LogoKroll Ontrack is a data recovery company that offers data erasure verification services. It offers certification to data erasure companies after making sure that the product is 100% effective. Their process comprises the following steps:

  • The storage device to be tested is prepared by writing data into it.
  • The media is then sanitized using the data erasure software.
  • Ontrack experts analyze the storage device thoroughly for any residual data.
  • After proper verification, certification is provided to the data erasure company.

Ontrack sanitized a 1 TB WD HDD by using BitRaser® software. The HDD was overwritten by 0x00 erasure pattern. BitRaser® passed the verification test by NIST 800-88r1 standard.

STQC Logo6. STQC Erasure Verification Compliance

Standardisation Testing and Quality Certification (STQC) Directorate offers quality assurance, such as Testing, Calibration, Training, Certification, IT, and e-Governance. They have various labs throughout the country with national and international accreditation.

STQC tested BitRaser® v1.2 on diverse storage devices, such as USB, SATA, PATA, SSD, and SCSI, with file systems – NTFS, FAT, Ext 3, and 4. STQC used the NIST Clear algorithm to test the software’s erasing capabilities and efficacy.

The test results showed that the data once erased by BitRaser® could not be recovered by the data recovery tools.

Final Note

These were some of the certifications that are accredited to BitRaser® over the years. BitRaser® is an efficient data wiping software that caters to the diverse data erasure needs of users. You can install BitRaser® now and try out its features for safe data disposal.

About The Author


Girish is a blogger and writer. He has over 6 years of experience in Data Recovery and Data Eraser technology. In his free time, he writes about technical tips and tutorials.

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