Photography Workshops

Webinar- Most Common Data Loss Situations and Data Privacy Concerns

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Free Webinar – Data Privacy & Data Loss

                    Date: 6th May 2020 (Wednesday)                           Timing 12:30 PM

Data loss and data theft are two common concerns for most of the professional photographers. At some point of time in their career, they may face a situation of losing their valuable photos and videos due to various known and unknown circumstances for which they’re not prepared. Understanding these concerns, Stellar Data Recovery is providing an opportunity to all such photographers by conducting a webinar on “Most Common Data Loss Situations and Data Privacy Concerns.” Stellar will be conducting this webinar in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Photography (IAOP). The discussion would be on varied subjects such as common data loss situations, how to recover lost photos & videos, how to take a backup of photos & videos in a secure way, data privacy and security, and much more.  At the end of the session, all the attendees will receive an interesting giveaway from Stellar.


Why You Should Attend the Webinar?

1. Know about Data Loss and Its Recovery
You may lose photos and videos due to several reasons such as deletion, memory card corruption, etc. You’d also be unable to access videos and photos if they’ve got corrupt. You can’t recreate a photo or video that you may have lost.
This webinar will help you understand all the major data loss situations. It will also discuss the reasons for which your data might get corrupted and become inaccessible. By attending this webinar, you’d get to know the best ways to recover the lost photos and videos and repair the corrupt files.

2. Learn about the Prevention of Data Theft

The photos and videos that you store on the camera/memory card can be personal or work-related. You’d definitely never want anyone to get a hold of the photos and videos without your permission. But the fact is that most of us get exposed to the risk of data breach/theft, even when we dispose of the used memory card or any other storage device without sanitizing it. A study conducted by Stellar on 311 used devices comprising hard drives, memory cards, and mobile phones shows that 70% of these devices contained residual data. This means that mere deletion and formatting do not completely wipe data from the drives. Thus, making the data to be recovered using a recovery tool, leading to data breach/theft.
By attending this webinar, you’d be able to learn about such facts in much more details. In addition, you’d learn different ways to protect your photos and videos from a data breach.  This webinar also covers subjects related to backing up of the data – how to securely back up photos and videos, where to store the backup, and so on.
To understand and resolve the queries of participants, the last 30 minutes of the webinar is specifically reserved for the Q&A session. The participants are free to ask any question related to the topic.

About The Author


Meenakshi is a technical blogger with experience in writing data recovery tips and tutorials. She knows her way around the data loss problems and is always looking for ways to help out people.

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